• Joined on 2023-07-02
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22h49 commented on issue meli/meli#242

Compilation failure on master on OpenBSD

Can confirm that it's compiling and working now on OpenBSD on the fixed branch, closing. (Also thanks for writing and maintaining this, meli is quite cool)

2023-07-04 02:01:09 +03:00

22h49 closed issue meli/meli#242

Compilation failure on master on OpenBSD

2023-07-04 02:01:09 +03:00

22h49 commented on issue meli/meli#242

Compilation failure on master on OpenBSD

But indeed all of the openssl issues have been fixed, so I don't know if you want to close this issue or also resolve the libc dependency (or `cfg` gate it on OpenBSD)

2023-07-03 23:20:16 +03:00

22h49 commented on issue meli/meli#242

Compilation failure on master on OpenBSD

The compilation now fails with ```rust error[E0412]: cannot find crate `c_int` in the list of imported crates --> melib/src/utils/datetime.rs:103:19

2023-07-03 23:17:43 +03:00

22h49 opened issue meli/meli#242

Compilation failure on master on OpenBSD

2023-07-03 00:42:19 +03:00